Friday, June 3, 2011

Burn Body Fat with Weights, NOT Cardio - Getting Rid of the Myth (Part 2)

In Part 1 of her article, Dawn shared her feelings on the myths and stereotypes surrounding women in the weight room. In Part 2, Dawn gets into more detail as to how you can use weights to effectively cut fat, and build a lean, sexy, feminine physique.

The idea behind using weights to burn fat is to raise your resting metabolism. Metabolism is determined by how much muscle you have on your body, incorporated with a few other factors. Researchers have shown that we have the ability, to "trick" our genes into behaving differently, mainly, by lifting weights, and building muscle. By increasing your fat to muscle ratio, you can change your body from flabby and weak, to a lean, strong, fat burning machine! How do you do this? First, you must pay close attention to your diet. In order to build muscle, you need to eat enough protein to build and repair your muscles, and enough carbs, at the right times, to fuel your workouts. You must challenge your muscles to do more than they are normally used to. By this I mean not doing the same old bicep curls, and abdominal work, with a few new things thrown in. I mean keeping a chart, and using a progressive overload technique. Lifting 2-3 times a week, and adding more weight to each set. Using enough weight to get 8-10 reps, with about 1-2 minutes of rest, between sets, to be able to do 1 warm up set, and 3-4 working sets. The ONLY way a muscle will grow, is by being challenged. If all you keep doing is light weights, and lots of reps, you will create muscular endurance, not larger muscles. Now remember, bigger muscles, burn more fat even at rest!

1. It is physiologically impossible for women to bulk up quickly from weight training. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle mass. Women simply do not have enough of it in their systems to build that much muscle. I have lifted weights for 25 plus years, and much heavier than any woman in my gym, and I by no means am huge!

2. By lifting weights correctly, you will take your muscles through their full range of motion. This will create over time lean, flexible muscles. Soon, you will appear leaner, will stand up straighter, and be stronger.

3. Weight and strength training is extremely important as women age. It has been shown that women gain strength at the same rate as men do. By taking charge of your strength, and flexibility, you will reduce your chances of falling, or having back problems later in life. You will learn how to lift objects without assistance. By getting stronger, you will prevent injuries. You will increase your grip strength, which is a marker now used in the anti-aging community that correlates to your mortality. Lifting weights will also strengthen your connective tissues, giving you a better sense of balance, and stability.

4. By strengthening your connective tissue, you increase your mineral density, decreasing your chance of developing osteoporosis.

What will you look and feel like? You will feel strong and energized. You will have less body fat, and your hard work will be "showcased" by your sexy, sculpted muscles. You will be less stressed, because you will have created the body you always wished you had.

Now go into the gym with a plan. Buy a weight lifting guide, or hire a trainer. Plan your new body, like you would plan any other future engagement. Get rid of old thoughts of getting too bulky. The only thing that will be to big are the pants you used to wear!

Like what you read? Check out Dawn's blog, Constant Energy Fitness for more of her awesome advice on health and fitness.

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