Friday, March 25, 2011

Toronto's #1 Underground Strength Coach Gets Philosophical

Hey Cygen Fans,

This week, Christopher Reed has submitted a video log to the Cygen space, and the big fella has gotten a little philosophical on us.

Have a listen, and see how you can apply his advice to your own goals and life.


  1. Hey Chris great post, so many people (myself included) don't give importance to the "little" successes or failures in life. I like to look at these "little" opportunities as bricks, the negatives ones build a wall around you, the positive ones build a staircase over that wall, most people's wall is too high.
    btw I'm a firefighter, I was on a very bad car accident last year, the victim lost most of his blood, but by some miracle survived, and was able to eventually go home, but unfortunately passed away in about a month....getting to the point....the reasons the doctors believed he passed, was his previous life choices, he was a heavy drinker and smoker, I will go out on a limb and say he did not exercise regularly if at all, and probably made poor food choices. He looked 20 years older than he was was...even though he was able to survive a horrible accident, he was unable to survive all those "little" bad choices, the smokes, the drinks, etc..
    The same could be said about success, how many stories of professional athletes and lottery winners have you heard of going broke, they didn't do the "little" things that would prepare them for handing a great opportunity.
    Thanks for reminding me to not let those 1440 opportunities, that I have each day to slip away.
    The one thing in life tat we cant ever get back is Time.


  2. Every second counts!!! Don't waste time doing things that don't really matter or fulfill you; BE, with people you WANT to be with. Don't settle. Thanks Chris for a great video; really helps cement the priorities, especially when not everyone agrees.

  3. Great post Chris... reminds us that there's always time to make a difference... even if it is only for 1 of those 1440 minutes

    peace brother

  4. To The Author

    Thank you for the jolt of reality. Great reminder for the start of any day.

  5. @Craig how true is that? Time can never be reclaimed. That is why we must make the most of every moment anad fully LIVE each moment - tomorrow is never promised!

    @Andres thank you for dropping your feedback br'ah! To be a true pioneer is to quite often travel the path less travelled. At times this journey may seem lonely but don't forget to stop and look around - too often when we are so focused on driving forward we lose sight of those around us.

    @Chris thanks brother. I appreciate the support and you my friend are a true difference maker in more than just one of those 1440 opportunities.

    @Anonymous thank you for your comment. Another great way to start your day is with a short 30 second video filled with photos or clips that inspire you to take action and live fully!

  6. Chris, I love how you just say how you feel man. Keep doing what you do! John Gags
