Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Richard Coulson - The Ageless Champion

The following is a letter that we received from Cygen Athlete Richard Coulson leading up to the IDFA Western Canadian Classic. Richard has won many prestigious titles in his years as a natural competitive body builder, and we are delighted to have him as a part of the team. But enough about us; read below to hear what Richard has to say about Cygen Labs.

My name is Richard Coulson and I compete in the sport of Natural Bodybuilding. I would like to share some of my history with you so that you may understand how and why I came to be part of the Cygen Laboratories family.

First, I would like to tell you that I am 47 years old. I have been bodybuilding since I was 21. I began bodybuilding quite honestly because my older brother was always bigger and stronger than me. As well, I had always admired people who were fit. They appeared healthy, happy and confident. When I began training in 1984, the supplements that were available were hit and miss. I personally found that many claims were made by companies; however, the results from using the supplements simply did not work. Because I am a natural athlete, I did not look to use steroids. Sure, the idea crossed my mind. Like I said, I have been training and competing for over 20 years. I found the early competitions very rewarding, however, I often become frustrated at the Provincial level as many athletes were obviously using drugs to win the contest. I would like to back track a little and tell you that I am a high school Physical Education Teacher. I also have two children. My goal as a teacher and father is to be a positive role model to both my students and children. I would feel like a cheater if I were to use steroids and "preach" about fitness, health, nutrition and over-all a healthy lifestyle to my students.

I stopped competing in 1992. The judges were choosing the biggest most ripped athlete on stage as the winners. (A natural athlete had no chance to compete against athletes who were using anabolic steroids.) I was competing for fun and I enjoy the challenge of putting together my routine and sharing this with family and friends. (Back to the present) In 2009, I decided to compete in another show. I had heard of many new companies that once again were making "claims" that their products were the new world break-through. Because I wanted to get into the best shape of my life at age 46, I decided to complete research on some of these companies. The one I decided to try was Cygen Laboratories.

When I tried products earlier in my career, I never knew if they were working. You simply could not feel the difference. You took them because you wanted a natural advantage. You wanted to get that ripped look, while maintaining size and vascularity. You hoped it worked! Unfortunately, a lot of money, time and effort was wasted. Without wanting to sound like a bad commercial, I have to simply tell you; Cygen Laboratories' products blew me away. I'll be honest, I don't use a lot of supplements, however, the ones that I chose for my contest preparation certainly did the trick. I mean these supplements boosted my energy, helped me get shredded, ( I was voted most ripped in my last show May 2009 at age 46!) while maintaining my size and strength. My weight has been 205 pounds for the last 10 years. I competed at 187. By maintaining a super strict diet, high in protein low in carbs and completing a strict regimented supplement program, I have kept my weight at 184-187 for over one year. I honestly did not believe this could be possible especially at the age of 47. Once you start the supplements, you can feel them work. I was aware of the changes each day.

The products I used and continue to use are:

1) Exotest: This product has increased my strength measurably. I have more endurance and I recover more quickly.
2) ) Toragen: If I were to choose one product, this would be it. Toragen has increased my muscle size, and helped me get the super ripped look all at the same time
3) Cygen Laboratories Nutriwhey. I consume this product two -three times per day. Because I am in the classroom, I don't always have time to eat. Therefore, I will consume protein for a healthy snack.
4) The Power Greens 21. For health, minerals and a delicious start to the day I never go without this supplement. I drink prior to my 6:30AM workout.

There you have it. It is no secret. Healthy eating, hard Core training and Cygen Laboratories products to have a lean muscular physique is the key. Please feel free to You-Tube my name; Richard Coulson and view my routine and Cygen Physique. If you are thinking of a supplement combo give mine a try. It really worked for me, no, really!! Good Luck

Sincerely, Richard Coulson

Good Luck, Richard! We're all confident here at Cygen Labs that you'll bring home yet another trophy for your shelf! Keep up the great work, and thank you for being an inspiration to natural competitors everywhere.

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