Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting to know Team Cygen: Josh Hill

(picutre courtesy of

Josh Hill is one of Canada's best MMA Bantamweight fighters and is on his way to the top with people anticipating him to be the next call up to the UFC.  Recently he has joined Team Cygen and I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Josh.  Here is your latest post on Getting to know Team Cygen...

Hi Josh. Thanks for taking the time to meet with me. For those who don’t know you, tell us a bit about yourself?

Well I was born Nov 24th 1986, born and raised in Hamilton Ont. Currently live in Binbrook, ON just outside Hamilton. I work as a hazardous materials responder for a company called Quantum Murray where I respond to major and minor cleanups of all sorts of hazardous materials that have to be properly dealt with. We also perform numerous rescue standby for jobs that entail confined spaces and high angles. I am also a volunteer firefighter for the city of Hamilton, station 18 in Binbrook. On top of all that I am an MMA fighter and have been fighting professionally for just under 3 years and have been training for about 5 years. I am currently 8-0.

Big shout out to the boys at Station 18 in Binbrook! So what made you get into the sport?

Growing up I played all sports, mainly hockey, but I loved to compete and it was my way to alleviate energy and aggression. I played hockey, rugby, baseball, football, basketball, and golf. I found mma when I was 20 yrs old and fell in love with it, I was instantly hooked in the training and once I first competed and won, I was hooked on the feeling of victory and wanted to do it again and again.

Tell us some accomplishments you’ve had in the sport?

In March of 2011 I won the Aggression Bantamweight championship. I am recognized as one of the best bantamweights in Canada, but I still have a lot of accomplishments ahead of me that I want to achieve.

That’s a great attitude …once you’ve hit one goal, there’s another to be reached. Ok tell me a typical day and life of Josh Hill when you are in training camp?

When I am in training camp, I usually train twice a day except on sparring days, usually one workout in the morning and one in the evening.

Give us a quick breakdown of your workouts and schedule…

Mon- lower body workout am, Thai pads pm
Tues- sparring 3pm
Weds- upper body workout am, wrestling pm
Thurs- boxing am- Jiu Jitsu pm
Sat- full body functional

When you are not training, what do you enjoy doing?

I love to do things that are active like play other sports such as hockey basketball and golf, love to go to the movies, and when I’m not in training camp I down to party it up a bit.

Why not right? You have to get out and let loose every so often. When are you are training, what does your diet consist off?

When I’m not training for a fight I don’t have a specific diet, I’ll be honest….I hate dieting and only do it for fight time so what I eat is all over the place and not all the time healthy haha yes I like to eat junk, and when I’m dieting it is pretty straight forward with a lot of protein and greens and the proper supplements.

Ok which leads me to my next question...If you can have 1 cheat meal, what would it be?

I can’t pick just one haha, but I love Cinnabons, they are delicious, ice cream cake from Dairy Queen is top notch and movie theatre popcorn is the best.

What is currently in your Supplement Cabinet?

I take nothing but Cygen products so I take their Iso90, fish oils, Power Greens 21, CLA, glutamine, and Anabolic Link

When do you take them?

I take all of them at different times throughout the day. Mainly, in the morning and afternoon and also before and after my workouts.

Ok so what advice do you give people who want to get into MMA?

I strongly suggest for those who want to start fighting, is that do not rush it. Make sure you are prepared and your coaches and training partners also feel that you are ready to fight. Get some grappling tournaments and amateur boxing or Thai fights under your belt just to give you a sense of competition . And also make sure your fighting for the right reasons, fight because you love the sport and want to compete and be the best, do not fight just because you want to be known as a mma fighter because you wont last long.

Finally, what’s next for the "gentleman" Hill?

I will be fighting for the score fighting series at Hamilton place theatre on Aug 25th 2012 in the main event against another top quality Canadian bantamweight John Fraser.

Thanks so much Josh for taking the time to meet with me in the middle of your camp and best of luck on the 25th. 

Anytime and I would like to thank Team Cygen for bringing me on board and helping me prepare for this fight. 

Make sure you catch Josh LIVE on the Score on August 25th... 


Friday, August 3, 2012

Getting to know team Cygen: Rich Machell

Team Cygen's own Rich Machell is a Canadian Strongman and Powerlifter.  Known for his size and strength, Rich is no stranger to heavy lifting...In fact, Rich has been seen walking around Trenton, ON with a car harnessed to his back so if your having car problems don't call a tow truck...just call Rich. 

I had the pleasure of speaking to Rich and here is what he had to say...

Hey Rich let’s start by telling us a bit about yourself?

I'd love to... I am 6 foot even, floating between 275 and 290 depending on which type of competition is coming up. Closer to 275 when I am focusing on a powerlifting meet, since I compete in the 125kg division I would rather not have to cut too much weight. When I am training for a strongman show I don't worry too much if I get a little extra weight... it usually helps in some events. As far as work I am just your average guy. I work as a civilian on the military base here in Trenton, ON (born and raised!). It's a simple warehouse job although I used to be a personal trainer and would like to get back into the industry at some point. Why not do what you love right? I am married to the best wife ever (she has to be... she's put up with all the strongman and powerlifting talk for 9 years now) and one amazing step-daughter. She just graduated grade 8 and won a big achievement award... I was weeping like a baby.... hahaha

That’s great…Congrats to her! So Rich what made you get into powerlifting and strongman?

Many people have heard this story before but I have to say it again. I always watched strongman on tv as Magnus ver Magnusson dominated the World's. Then came the All-Strength Challenge on the OLN network. That's where I was introduced to guys like Hugo Girard. I was working out (that's what I used to call it before I was "training") at a local Goodlife and one day in comes Hugo Girard! He was in town for some promotional appearance since there was a local strongman happening. I talked to him and mentioned I was interested in getting involved. In his thick French accent he said "You've got to test the waters". I took that and ran with it. Later that week there was an announcement on the radio that they were looking for local competitors. I called the number and after that phone call was over I was signed up for two competitions on back to back weekends. The first was in Cobourg and I got smashed. Ironically enough by one of my future mentors and the man who programs all my training... Jordan Foley of Total Fitness Solutions.
Even though I placed 10th out of 12 I had the best time. The following week I placed 8th out of 12 and the bug just kept biting harder.

That’s a great story! So what are some of your big accomplishments you’ve had in the sport?

Locally I have won the Tyendinaga Fair Strongman 3x, Harrowsmith Northern Giants Champion 2012, Cydesdale Power Strongest Team in 2008, Carp Fair Strongman 3rd Place 2009 and plan on adding on to those once my training is focused back on strongman. As for powerlifting I tried my hand in a Bench Press meet back in November 2011 and won my age/weight division while setting a drug free Canadian Record with 358lbs. I don't consider that a huge bench but with strict powerlifting rules and at a drug free meet it is.....haha Back in May of this year I competed in my first full powerlifting meet with the 100% RAW Federation and once again I set some Canadian records in my division in the squat (474lbs), Bench (358lbs) and Deadlift (556lbs) plus the overall total 1388lbs.  Once again I don't consider all of those spectacular lifts BUT I truly believe I am on my way to some impressive numbers. I don't train to peak on one day like full-time powerlifters which costs me numbers on the platform. My training is mainly for strongman which makes me functionally strong and not just strong in one straight line.

That’s impressive Rich…Great job! Now tell me a typical day for you when you are training?

If I don't have to work that day then I will wake up around 7-8am and aim for a 10am start. I will immediately slam down a protein shake and take my vitamins and minerals for the morning. I'll check my emails, sip some BCAA's and then start my warm up. I try to keep my workouts under 2 hours (that's a full 30mins of foam rolling, mobility work included) and slam another protein shake when I am finished. As a natural athlete I cannot afford to take my post workout nutrition lightly.
Then if I have to work that day then I will train at 6:30pm after dinner. Everything remains the same.

Give us a quick breakdown of your workouts and schedule…

I'll keep it as simple as possible without giving away Jordan's top secret knowledge (available at hahaha

I stopped trying to train on a regular schedule like the standard Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri as most people follow. Since I am a drug free athlete recovery is my most important aspect of training. I can't drill that into you youngsters enough!! Being in the gym everyday DOES NOT mean you are hardcore... it means you know nothing and trust me.... I've been there myself.

I train every second day no matter what. That allows me a full day for recovery in between each workout. That is very important since I have two full-body workouts, one strongman events day and a full-body circuit day in the week.

Mon- Squat and Bench plus accessory work
Wed- Military Press and Speed Deadlifts or Power cleans plus accessory work
Fri- Events - Super Yoke, Farmer's Walk, Log Press, Tire Flip, Truck Pulls etc etc
Sun- recovery circuit

I agree Rich. Gains happen during recovery…Great input! So when you are not training, what do you enjoy doing?

I just enjoy chilling at home. No strongman or powerlifting talk (sometimes it slips out) and relax in our pool or be lazy and watch some reality shows on tv with my wife and daughter. I'll be pushing hard to get onto Big Brother Canada in 2013!

Hopefully we see you in the house in 2013. When are you are training, what does your diet consist off?

Ugghh, when I'm training which is most of the time I follow a Paleo style diet most of the time. I do allow some cheats BUT majority of my meals are tuna, whole eggs, beef or chicken, vegetables (lots of spinach salads), nuts and I cook my food in Organic Coconut Oil. I can easily gain fat so I follow the Carb Nite Solution diet when I need to cut some fat.

Ok so I assume a big guy like you loves to eat, what is your favourite cheat meal?

I always have a weakness for a greasy burger. Nachos are a weak point too but the big greasy burger is my Kryptonite. Locally it's the "Andrew Burger" at Linda's Grill in Trenton, Oshawa has the "Park Avenue Burger" I believe at Teddy's and recently I was introduced by Dave Finistauri to the "Zet's Burger" on Airport Rd in Mississauga..... obviously at Zet's!!

If I ever make it out to Trenton, Linda's Grill will be our first stop (this plug better get us a free burger!)...Let's say If I were to open your supplement cabinet right now, what would I find?

I have many items in my cabinet since I like to rotate what I take depending on goals. My main staples are NutriWhey Protein, Anabolic Link (BCAA's and Glutamine), D-Aspartic Acid. I NEVER go without those. TAKE YOUR RECOVERY SERIOUSLY ESPECIALLY IF YOU`RE A NATURAL ATHLETE!

Ok Finally, what’s next for you?

September 15th 2012 at Variety Village in Scarborough.... 100% RAW Federation Eastern Nationals for Powerlifting. After that I have one team strongman event in October then it`s time to hit the off-season.. Ya never know though, I enjoy competing. I have recently found out there is a Natural World`s Strongest Man so I have started making the contacts to bring some drug tested strongman shows to Ontario. Wish me luck because this is a dream of mine and will benefit so many people who love the sport but are hesitant to compete.

I`d like to take this time to thank the whole crew at CYGEN for giving me the opportunity to be a Cygen Athlete. Right away I felt at home and will continue to make Cygen happy that they chose me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

Good luck Rich and thank you for letting get to know you more...If this isn't impressive enough.  Check out this video!!!